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363 - Workshop Session
TTS-WTGF Joint Session: How to harness exercise post – transplantation (Impact) and how to measure patient reported outcomes in the Covid-19 Era

Tuesday September 15, 2020 | 08:15 to 10:00
Room: Channel 4
Track: N/A

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In collaboration with:



Chris Thomas, Australia
Introduction and Welcome

Paul Harden, United Kingdom
Safety of various sports post transplant to dispel the myth of unacceptable risk in the context of Covid

Liz Schick, Switzerland
Refit for life (online rehabilitation program) as a way of delivering increased Qalys and outcomes

Dr. Gareth Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Potential impact of exercise and sport on patient outcomes

Zachary S. Brooks PhD, United States
Results of survey – Organ Transplant recipients health outcomes

Dr. Ka-Foon Chau, Hong Kong
Billion Steps Challenge 2: The Sequel – Using online exercise challenges to engage activity in transplant recipients

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