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220 - State-of-the-Art Session
Tissue-Resident Lymphocytes

Monday September 14, 2020 | 00:15 to 02:00
Room: Channel 5
Track: Basic and Translational Sciences

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Megan Sykes, United States
Formation and plasticity of tissue resident memory populations in human allografts revealed by single cell analysis and serial TCR sequencing

Adrian E. Morelli, United States
Antigen presentation by tissue resident APC

Anna Valujskikh, United States
Reshaping T cell memory with lymphoablation

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  • I have query for Anna Valujskikh,
    1.Did you check the link of Follicular Helper T cell in reconstitution of T cell/Memory T cell after mATG treatment?
    2. Want to know will there be any positive results if we inject some doses of mATG post transplantation?

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