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N12 - Zoom Virtual Networking Room
Women in Transplantation - Pillar 1 (Advancing & Inspiring Women Transplant Professionals) Networking Event

Tuesday September 15, 2020 | 13:00 to 14:30
Room: Networking 4
Track: N/A

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WIT Networking event of Pillar 1 with discussion on the WIT Speaker's Bureau, WIT awards, championship for future meetings, reflection of the WIT event with Sabine Ortelt-Prigione prior to the TTS Meeting, introduction of new Pillar 1 Chair.



1.   Wit intro (Roz/Lori) (5 min)
2.   Pillar 1 presentation (10 min)
3.   Pillar 2 presentation (10 min)
      a.   Pillar 2 goals and themes (Research/Advocacy) (BF)
      b.   Pillar 2 first 3 years review/accomplishments (BF)
      c.   Pillar 2 Future goals for themes 1 and 2 (GW)


Anita Chong, United States

Prof. Christine Falk, Germany

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