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223 - State-of-the-Art Session
Inhaling the Evidence (Lung)

Monday September 14, 2020 | 00:15 to 02:00
Room: Channel 4
Track: Thoracic (Heart & Lung)

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Dr. Alejandro Mario Bertolotti, Argentina
Increasing allograft utilization and redefining marginality (to include discussion on Hep C, ischaemic time and Ex-situ perfusion)

Jasleen Kukreja, United States
Surgical strategies for pulmonary hypertension (Allows discussion on surgical strategy of access options/ ON-CPB / ON-ECMO/ Off Pump and post transplant ECMO support)

Dr. Hilary J. Goldberg, United States
Survivorship in lung transplantation (there is a constant need to reinforce that the surgical component alone is only a small step in the transplant process)

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