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253 - Oral Abstracts Session
Sex and Gender Abstract Session

Monday September 14, 2020 | 07:30 to 08:15
Room: Channel 9
Track: Sex and Gender in Tx

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Please note that Ryoichi Maenosono may not be available for the Q&A Discussion.


Mrs. Rizky I. Sugianto, Germany
Differences in pulse wave velocity between transplanted boys and girls: Longitudinal analysis of 4C-T study

Dr. Ryoichi Maenosono, United States
Donor and recipient sex affect transplant outcomes in an age-specific fashion

Mr. Stan Benjamens, Netherlands
Gender disparities in transplantation research

Dr. Vasanthi Ramesh M.S., FALS, India
Women empowerment in the field of organ donation and transplantation - Are we there yet?

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