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Upcoming Issues in the Diagnosis of Transplant Rejection

Wednesday September 16, 2020 - 00:15 to 02:00

Room: Channel 4

423.2 Gene expression in transplant tissue and body fluid

Michael Mengel, Canada

Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
University of Alberta


Dr Mengel is Chair and Medical Director for Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Alberta and with Alberta Precision Laboratories Ltd. in Edmonton, Canada. As a sub-specialized Transplantation and Renal Pathologist, Dr. Mengel is engaged in various international sub-specialty societies related to nephropathology and organ transplantation: past Chair Transplant Diagnostics Community of Practice in the American Society of Transplantation; Board Chair International Banff Foundation for Allograft Pathology; past President of the Canadian Society of Transplantation; President of the International Renal Pathology Society.

He studied medicine at the Semmelweiss University in Budapest, Hungary before going on to specialise in pathology and further in transplantation pathology and nephropathology. Before moving to Edmonton provided transplant pathology service at the Hannover Medical School, Germany. Dr. Mengel has published widely in his field and his current work is focused on applying molecular techniques to biopsy specimens, with the aim to increase diagnostic precision in organ transplantation.

Presentations by Michael Mengel

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