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Evidence-Based Teaching

Monday September 14, 2020 - 08:15 to 10:00

Room: Channel 5

260.1 Cognitive sciences based design of engaging training programs for transplant professionals

Margaret Hay, Australia

Monash Centre for Professional Development & Monash Online Education
Monash University


A health psychologist by training, I have worked in health professional education for the past 2 decades in both curriculum governance and teaching roles. I am the Head of the recently established Monash Centre for Professional Development and Monash Online Education, adn inaugural Academic Director of Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) in the Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), Monash University. I was the inaugural Director of the Monash Institute for Health & Clinical Education (MIHCE) in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, Monash University. I have supervised to completion 19 Doctoral research projects and currently supervising a range of PhD and Masters projects in health professions education. I am an invited reviewer for BMC Public Health, Psychology and Health, Pediatrics International, Pediatric Diabetes, Medical Education, Medical Teacher, AIDSCare, the Journal of Health Care Leadership, Perspectives on Medical Education.

I am Leader for International Programs in the Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard Medical School Boston USA. I am  a member of the Course Steering Committee for the Harvard Medical School Master’s in Medical Education degree, Research Paper Lead AMEE Research Committee, and Associate and Co-Statistical Editor for Perspectives on Medical Education. 

Presentations by Margaret Hay

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