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Challenges for Solid Organ Tx in the Developing World

Wednesday September 16, 2020 - 00:15 to 02:00

Room: Channel 2

421.2 Which diseases are unique in middle income countries, and what should we learn to avoid transmission when a transplant recipient fly abroad?

Camille Nelson Kotton, United States

Clinical Director, Transplant Infectious Disease and Compromised Host Program
Massachusetts General Hospital



 Camille Nelson Kotton MD, FIDSA, FAST is the clinical director of the Transplant Infectious Disease and Immunocompromised Host Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. She was chair of The Infectious Disease Community of Practice of The American Society of Transplantation (2012-2018). From 2007-2013, she was the president of The Transplant Infectious Disease Section of The Transplantation Society. Highlights of her time as president include the development of international guidelines on CMV management after solid organ transplant, published in Transplantation (2010, 2013, 2018). Her clinical interests include cytomegalovirus, donor-derived infections, zoonoses, and travel and tropical medicine in the transplant setting. 

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