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380 - Oral Abstracts Session
Kidney Transplantation: Antibody-mediated rejection and composite end points

Tuesday September 15, 2020 | 14:30 to 15:15
Room: Channel 11
Track: Kidney

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Ms. Anita Borski, Austria
Anti-IL-6 antibody clazakizumab in late antibody-mediated rejection – Molecular rebound phenomena under IL-6 blockade?

Dr. Stanley Jordan, United States
Clazakizumab (Anti-IL-6 Monoclonal) treatment of patients with chronic & active antibody-mediated rejection post-kidney transplantation (NCT03380377)

Mr. Dominic Amara, United States
Analyzing a pragmatic composite endpoint for 1-year kidney transplant outcomes: Patient loss, graft loss and eGFR less than 30. Results from NSQIP Transplant beta phase

Dr. Manuel Mayrdorfer, Germany
Analyzing causes for death-censored allograft failure in kidney transplant recipients

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