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251 - Oral Abstracts Session
Immune Regulation and Outcomes

Monday September 14, 2020 | 07:30 to 08:15
Room: Channel 7
Track: Basic and Translational Sciences

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Miss Marie Sion, United Kingdom
Elucidating the role of hypoxia in regulatory T cell function

Mr. Eric Taeyoung ES Son, Australia
Discovery of pMHC epitopes for directly alloreactive T cells

Dr. Liao Minxue, People's Republic of China
The Prediction of Kidney Allograft Acute Rejection Based on Recipient Peripheral Blood Whole Transcriptome Profiling and Three mRNA Molecular Signatures

Mr. Alberto Utrero-Rico, Spain
Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in kidney recipients: Identification of CD25+eMDSC, and augmentation of monocytic-MDSC early after transplantation in patients later developing cancer

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